19 Best Twitter Bots for Business Growth in 2024: Top Picks 📌

The rise of Twitter bots is transforming how businesses and individuals interact on the platform. Once viewed with skepticism, bots have evolved from spammy annoyances to sophisticated tools that can boost engagement and streamline workflows. An estimated two-thirds of all tweeted links are now shared by automated accounts rather than human users, according to Pew Research.

But not all bots are created equal. While some focus on manipulation or spreading misinformation, others provide genuine value to their followers. As Twitter cracks down on harmful bots, the playing field is opening up for helpful, honest bots to connect with real audiences.

So which bots cut? In our guide to the Best Twitter Bots, we've compiled the top accounts that can make your Twitter experience better. From customer service chatbots to news aggregators to data visualizations, these bots drive engagement through relevance rather than trickery. Read on to discover the accounts that will become your new Twitter BFFs (bot friends forever)!

Let's Know Twitter A Bit More

Twitter is a popular microblogging and social networking platform that allows users to broadcast short messages called “tweets“. With over 300 million monthly active users, Twitter has become an influential communication channel for individuals, brands, celebrities, and even world leaders to share ideas and connect with audiences.

Launched in 2006, Twitter's main value proposition lies in sharing real-time information and commentary on trending topics. Its short-form, public nature makes it easy to discover and participate in conversations about events as they unfold.

Key Features that Define the Twitter Experience

Tweets – The core of Twitter, allowing posts of up to 280 characters.
Hashtags – Categorizing tweets by keywords prefixed with # symbol.
@mentions – Referencing or tagging other accounts using @ before their username.
Retweets – Sharing tweets posted by others to your followers.
Threads – Posting connected tweets in a series.
Moments – Curated tweets about specific events or topics.
Lists – Organizing accounts into custom timelines.
Direct Messages – Private conversations between users.

Over the years, Twitter has also emerged as an important marketing, customer service and market research tool for brands. In 2024, one of the most effective ways brands are leveraging Twitter is through Twitter bots – AI-powered programs that automate various functions.

What are Twitter Bots?

Twitter bots have become an integral part of managing and growing one's presence on the platform. Twitter bots are programmed accounts that use the Twitter API to perform actions autonomously as outlined by their creators. These bots can schedule tweets, automate responses to new followers, retweet, and engage with the audience on a more personal level. They are designed to perform a range of useful operations on Twitter, allowing users to gain more value from the platform.

Twitter bots can be used for marketing, advertising, customer service, and various other functions. They are particularly useful for automating certain tasks, accelerating Twitter marketing strategies, and saving time. Key Features of Twitter Bots:

Scheduled Tweets: Bots can schedule tweets to publish at specific times, even when the user is not online.
Automated Responses: They can automate responses to new followers and engage with the audience on a more personal level.
Retweeting: Bots can be programmed to retweet specific content or based on certain criteria.
Direct Messages: They can send predefined messages to users who interact with the account, such as welcome messages to new followers.
Customized Automation: Bots can be tailored to perform specific tasks, such as liking, following, and unfollowing based on set parameters.


  • Automate repetitive tasks like welcoming new followers, posting scheduled tweets
  • Provide useful data and analytics on audience, engagement, best posting times
  • Help smaller entities compete with larger brands more effectively
  • Save time and effort on manual Twitter activities
  • Positive bots share news, encourage self-care, combat bullying and negativity
  • Customer service and support bots facilitate quick responses to users
  • Generate interesting or creative content like summarizing threads, creating tweet visualizations
  • Broadcast timely information during emergencies or natural disasters


  • Over-automation can make interactions seem less authentic and human
  • Heavy reliance risks account suspension if Twitter detects policy violations
  • Classifying accounts as bots or humans can be challenging with advanced AI
  • Negative bots spread spam, manipulate public opinion, perpetrate scams

Top 19 Twitter Bots for Business Growth

As per industry testing, here are 19 of the top-performing Twitter automation tools and bots to leverage in 2024:

1. UseViral


UseViral is an intelligent automation bot providing an array of services from auto-liking and following to in-depth analytics.

UseViral Key Features

Niche targeting
Audience analytics

UseViral Pricing

Customized packages starting from $49/month

Recommended For: Safely accelerating community growth

2. Twesocial


Twesocial offers customizable Twitter automation for broadcasting tweets, facilitating engagement and tracking campaign performance.

Twesocial Key Features

Campaign analytics
Smart bio-optimization
Engagement automation

Twesocial Pricing

Starts from $97/month

Recommended For: Simplifying account management

3. TweetAttacks Pro

TweetAttacks Pro

TweetAttacks Pro integrates premium features like Twitter API access and an auto-reply bot for simplified tweet scheduling.

TweetAttacks Pro Key Features

API integration
Auto-reply bot
Account management

TweetAttacks Pro Pricing

Starts from $29/month

Recommended For: Managing multiple Twitter accounts

4. SocialPilot


SocialPilot allows easy campaign creation, scheduled tweets and detailed Twitter analytics for gaining relevant followers.

SocialPilot Key Features

Scheduled tweets
Campaign analytics
One-click setup

SocialPilot Pricing 

Starts from $25/month

Recommended For: Affordable audience growth

5. Circleboom


Circleboom offers an array of analytics tools providing audience demographics and insights for safe account growth.

Circleboom Key Features

Audience analytics
Demographic insights
Safety protocols

Circleboom Pricing

Customized enterprise packages

Recommended For: In-depth Twitter analytics

6. Twitonomy


Twitonomy is a dedicated Twitter analytics service tracking key metrics like tweet performance, user engagement and best times for tweeting.

Twitonomy Key Features

Tweet analytics
Engagement tracking
Optimal tweet times

Twitonomy Pricing

Starts from $7/month

Recommended For: Optimizing Twitter presence, the rest of the article follows a similar structure, covering the remaining 14 tools by highlighting their unique features, pricing details, and ideal use cases.

7. Tweeteev


Tweeteev is a budget-friendly Twitter bot that offers a range of automation features, including scheduling tweets, auto-liking, and following/unfollowing accounts

Tweeteev Key Features

Scheduling tweets
Following/unfollowing accounts

Tweeteev Pricing

Tweeteev offers affordable pricing plans, making it a budget-friendly option for those looking to automate their Twitter activities.

Recommended For: individuals and small businesses with limited budgets who want to automate their Twitter activities and grow their following.

8. Hootsuite


Hootsuite provides a comprehensive social media management platform that enables businesses to automate their Twitter activities, schedule tweets in advance, and analyse their performance. 

Hootsuite Key Features

Analytics capabilities 
Boosts engagement

Hootsuite Pricing

Its pricing varies based on the number of social profiles and users required, starting at $29 per month for the Professional plan. 

Recommended For: Businesses and individuals who need to efficiently manage multiple social media accounts, schedule posts in advance, and gain insights through analytics. 

9. Buffer


Buffer is another popular social media management tool that allows businesses to schedule tweets, track engagement metrics, and manage multiple Twitter accounts from one dashboard. 

Buffer Key Features

Scheduling posts across multiple social media platforms 
Creating custom post queues 
Providing detailed analytics to measure the success of social media campaigns 

Buffer Pricing

It ranges from $15 to $99 per month, depending on the number of social media accounts and additional features required.

Recommended For: Individuals and businesses looking to streamline their social media efforts, improve their posting consistency, and gain insights into their social media performance. 



IFTTT (If This Then That) connects various apps and platforms, including Twitter. With IFTTT, businesses can automate tasks like tweeting their Instagram posts or sharing their blog updates on Twitter. 

IFTTT Key Features

Versatile automation  
Easy usage 
Multi-step applets and unlimited applets 

IFTTT Pricing

It offers a free plan with basic features and a paid plan called IFTTT Pro, priced at $9.99 per month. 

Recommended For: Individuals and businesses looking to streamline their workflows, connect their digital tools, and automate repetitive tasks

11. TwitterAudit


TwitterAudit is a tool that helps users analyze the authenticity of their Twitter followers, providing insights into the percentage of real and fake followers in their accounts.

TwitterAudit Key Features

Analyzes the authenticity of Twitter followers
Provides insights into the percentage of real and fake followers

TwitterAudit Pricing

TwitterAudit offers a free version with basic features, and paid plans for more advanced analytics and features.

Recommended For: individuals and businesses looking to gain insights into the authenticity of their Twitter followers and optimize their strategy accordingly.

12. Claude


Claude is an AI chatbot by Anthropic designed to be helpful, honest, and harmless, excelling in tasks like summarization and creative writing. 

Claude Key Features

less likelihood of harmful outputs 
Ease of conversation 

Claude Pricing

Claude Instant is priced at $19.99 monthly for 100k tokens. 

Recommended For: Persons and enterprises seeking to understand their Twitter account's effectiveness and fine-tune their approach as needed. 

13. Tweepi Advanced

Tweepi Advanced

Tweepi Advanced is an advanced version of Tweepi, offering a range of features to help users manage and grow their Twitter accounts, including following/unfollowing, blocking, and muting users.

Tweepi Key Features

Manages and grows Twitter accounts
Follows/unfollows users
Blocks and mute users

Tweepi Pricing

Tweepi Advanced offers various pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets.

Recommended For: individuals and businesses looking to manage and grow their Twitter accounts more effectively.

14. Followerwonk


Followerwonk is a tool that helps users analyze their Twitter followers, providing insights into their demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Followerwonk Key Features

Analyzes Twitter followers
Provides insights into demographics, interests, and behaviors

Followerwonk Pricing

Followerwonk offers various pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets.

Recommended For: Followerwonk is recommended for individuals and businesses looking to gain insights into their Twitter followers and optimize their strategy accordingly.

15. Social Bearing

Social Bearing

Social Bearing is a tool that helps users analyze their Twitter social media presence, providing insights into their reach, engagement, and influence.

Social Bearing Key Features

Analyzes Twitter's social media presence
Provides insights into reach, engagement, and influence

Social Bearing Pricing

It offers various pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets.

Recommended For: individuals and businesses looking to gain insights into their Twitter social media presence and optimize their strategy accordingly.

16. Fohr Card

Fohr Card

Fohr Card is a tool that helps users analyze their Twitter social media presence, providing insights into their reach, engagement, and influence.

Fohr Card Key Features

Analyzes Twitter's social media presence
Provides insights into reach, engagement, and influence

Pricing: Offers various pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets.

Recommended For: individuals and businesses looking to gain insights into their Twitter social media presence and optimize their strategy accordingly.

17. Zapier


Like IFTTT, Zapier connects apps and automates tasks. Twitter automation options on Zapier include retweeting specific hashtags or sending automated welcome messages to new followers.

Zapier Key Features

Seamless integration 
Easy setup 
Wide range of available apps. 

Pricing: Offers both free and paid plans, with the paid plans starting at $20 per month.

Recommended For: Individuals and businesses looking to streamline their workflows and automate repetitive tasks. 

18. Audiense


Formerly known as SocialBro, Audiense offers advanced Twitter analytics and audience segmentation. It provides insights into audience demographics, interests, and behaviours, helping businesses tailor their content and targeting strategies. 

Audiense Key Features

Comprehensive audience analysis 
Advanced segmentation and targeting 
Social media management and monitoring 

Audiense Pricing

It offers flexible pricing plans tailored to the needs of different businesses, starting from $99 per month.

Recommended For: Marketers and businesses of all sizes who are looking to enhance their audience targeting strategies, optimize social media campaigns, and gain valuable insights to drive their marketing efforts. 

19. SocialViral


SocialViral is a tool that helps users automate their Twitter activities, including scheduling tweets, auto-liking, and following/unfollowing accounts.

SocialViral Key Features

Automates Twitter activities
Schedules tweets
Follows/unfollows accounts

SocialViral Pricing

It offers various pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets.

Recommended For:  individuals and businesses looking to automate their Twitter activities and grow their following.

 How Quickly Will You See Results?

The main factors that determine how quickly you can see results from using Twitter bots include the Bot complexity and Metrics evaluated.

Are Twitter bots allowed by Twitter?

Yes, Twitter allows bots and automation that follow their platform policies, API terms, and automation rules. Helpful, creative, or interactive bots are encouraged. Spammy bots violating policies may get suspended.

What are some useful Twitter bots I can follow?

Some useful Twitter bots to follow highlighted in the sources include Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp) to condense tweet threads, Pikaso (@pikaso_me) to create graphics from tweets, and Translator Bot (@translatorbot) to translate tweets into other languages.

Can Twitter bots grow my followers and engagement?

Yes, some quality Twitter bots can help facilitate genuine follower growth and engagement by identifying ideal potential followers, facilitating natural interactions through likes/retweets, and driving real visibility rather than inflating numbers with fake accounts.

How can I get set up with a Twitter bot service?

Most Twitter bot providers have quick sign-up processes requiring linking your Twitter account to their platform through the Twitter API. This allows their software to post, like, follow, etc on your behalf based on parameters you set.

What risks should I watch out for with Twitter bots?

Lower quality Twitter bot services often rely on fake bot followers, spammy content, and mass automated interactions which can get accounts suspended by Twitter or damage credibility. Reputable services follow Twitter policies and focus on authentic growth.

Will I gain fake followers with the Twitter bot?

No, the best Twitter bot services recommended in these articles do not provide fake followers. They focus on real engagement, credibility, and minimizing fakes detectable by Twitter and other tools. The risk of getting fake followers comes more from suspicious services making unrealistic promises.


The growing popularity of Twitter coupled with increasing competition demands brands to work smarter. Twitter automation tools provide effective solutions to manage multiple accounts, identify ideal audiences and facilitate impactful engagement. As per reviews, the bots and services showcased here are the top performers that will deliver value in 2024.

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